The 100 Foot Journey: Book Review

With a terrible cough and an unbearable sore throat, all I am capable of doing is sleeping in bed and embarking on a non-stop movie marathon without any social interaction whatsoever. But next to me is one of my favourite books. A novel that me so hungry, at times I contemplated whether to eat it (just kidding). Recently adapted into a film, The 100 Foot Journey redefined a whole new meaning to ‘Haute Cuisine’.

Essentially, the plot to the book is very similar to many. Like how a young boy with little background of fine dining cooking rose to fame. However, what sets this book apart is how the Western world and the Eastern world really merge into one. Plus the fact that there were long paragraphs solely dedicated to describe various dishes (that caused my stomach to rumble and my mouth to drool). There was so much wit in the book as there was a huge contrast between the French lifestyle to the Indian lifestyle. But somehow everything managed to fit into place, despite the differences.

The story is definitely a feel-good book that will make you laugh and smile through every page. It shows how strong and far your love for food can go. A must read for all!

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