Sand Sunsets & Santorini

As winter (thankfully) departs the world and temperatures change from negatives to positives, everyone can’t help but dream of a hot sunny day on the beach with a chilled can of Arizona tea by their side. Living in a tropical country, we do not EVER need to worry about the dreaded cold. But for those who suffer from the inches of snow piling up outside your homes, Santorini would be an absolute haven for you.

We all know where that is when Meryl Streep  introduced us to the beautiful island during the filming of Mamma Mia (and not to mention ABBA’s songs that we could never ever possibly get enough of). Or how our feeds on Instagram/Tumblr are annoyingly filled with heavily edited photos of the incredible beaches of Greece whom we have all grown to love. So do not think that it is overrated because (I may regret this later) for once, you are allowed to believe the pictures you see. Plus, why would anyone refuse a vacation where you can escape to one of the most relaxing places in the world to swim, sunbathe and sightsee? The three most important things in life all in one place. Heaven. That’s all I can say.

White and blue are two colours that play a significant role in the landscape of Santorini. You will always see it throughout your stay, whether it is the ocean and sky or the traditional buildings. Try to book your holiday a lot earlier for the summer as the numbers of tourists are rising. Being known for the coloured sand, definitely check out as many beaches as possible and have a nice rest on the beach. Also take a wander around the towns where a mixture of local quirky shops and fine dining restaurants come to life. Seafood is mandatory when in Greece so dine at Aegialos for some delicious fish that may even be the beginning to a great obsession with Greek food.

Everyone in Santorini were so kind-hearted and warm, they made us really feel comfortable and I couldn’t have been more pleased with the people there. The whole vacation really served it’s purpose as my entire family loved the whole atmosphere and have been longing to return!

As for now, a couple more weeks of school before a break so expect updates very very soon!

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