Reality Of Frozen

The entire world loves snow. Well ever since ‘Frozen’ became everyone’s favorite movie of 2014, there has been an idealistic dream that you would suddenly become a princess who has magical powers if you encounter the snow. Unfortunately, reality is nothing like a perfect sing-along Disney film and the cold is arguably the worst season of the year. But for all those sport addicts who love a (not so) fun work out session, skiing or snowboarding would be ideal for you. One of the most popular and exciting places for winter sports would be Whistler, Canada (home to Whistler Blackcomb mountain and the most delicious hot chocolate in the whole of North America)

Many people often mistake ski resorts for a place where the only activity you can do is ski. But that’s not true at all! For all the photographers out there, you could try snow trekking and ride a ski mobile while stopping to take brilliant photos of the view. Try staying at either Four Seasons or Fairmont as their services are very efficient and it’s location has perfect access to the mountains. 

There’s something unique about wandering through snow and admiring nature when everything is covered in white. Some people can’t seem to get enough of it. But being someone who loves to wear shorts and a t-shirt, who requires the sun and at least 20 degrees to function properly, tropical weather will always be my all time favourite climate. However, once in awhile it’s always nice to have a change.

The holidays are coming very soon and I have been counting down every single day. One more week of textbooks and essays to go.

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