Beach Calling

As the Monday blues slowly dissappear, all I am capable of doing is reminiscing and anticipating summer or food (decadent chocolate brownies with home-made vanilla ice cream to be exact) Nobody loves a relaxed summer holiday on the beach like I do and where else better to laze around on the sand than in the exquisite island of Maldives? Here begins my fixation with beach getaways and that oh-so-typical baywatch girl that we all adore. Also not to mention, for those of you who know me personally, ‘tumblr-y’ sunset/sunrise shots will brighten my mood in any given point in time (as seen in my heading image)
The locals are such warm people who will make your stay as pleasurable as possible! The Four Seasons was really remarkable, service wise and view wise. It was very secluded and private too so I highly recommend it. Spend one of your mornings admiring the exquisite sunrise. When one is on an island like Maldives where the view is second to none, watching nature around them is vital! At 5:30am (and I would like to emphasize the fact that I am not and will NEVER be a morning person despite what anyone has to say about it) my sister attempted to wake me up with little success. After about 10 tries, I eventually got out of bed with a frown. But once I laid eyes on the view and took several panoramas that I satisfyingly categorized ‘Instagram-worthy’, my mood was set to a much happier one.
Oh. And did I forget to mention that we causally met Christian Bale? Christian. Bale. Otherwise known as ‘the’ Batman. Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed with him but at least I was somewhat in his presence so definitely can check it off my bucketlist!
Expect more exciting updates very soon!

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  1. muddy your travel guides are the best omg!

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