Classics: Of Mice And Men Review

Within a week of beginning my challenge to read four vital classics that have affected society both in the past and present, I have officially finished part one of the four-part quest. My first book being, ‘Of Mice And Men.’

Initially I perceived the classics to be very heavy with many confusing concepts that were difficult to comprehend, however the plot to ‘Of Mice And Men’ was in fact very simple. What makes it extra special was the amount of writing dedicated to the descriptions and details thus creating an entire new atmosphere for the reader. There was also an array of sensitive topics that were touched on such as racism, gender inequality and others. But Steinbeck has really interpreted his views on these issues in the simplest and most beautiful way possible. In the book we have a child-like character, Lennie, who is constantly oblivious as to what is happening throughout the story and who does not judge anyone based on their race or gender as he is not aware of the inequality at that point in history. It just shows how judgmental society can be. Steinbeck has really created a true masterpiece with ‘Of Mice And Men’ that is a wonderful example of a classic. Personally, I enjoyed it thoroughly and definitely recommend it! 

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