Back To Classics

Living in the 21st century practically means being constantly surrounded by iPhones, social media and whatnot. Although most of the time I am guiltily a victim of this era, I have come to the conclusion that you must always return to basics. And when I say basics, I mean to read and write. By writing, I created this blog to convey my thoughts, ideas and more to the rest of the world. Now,  99% of teenagers have gone through the ‘John Green’ phase (and so have I). This is what my post is all about. I am going to bid farewell to all my previous ‘young adult’ novels, and explore a whole new genre: the classics. I have always been fascinated with how much of an impact the classics had in our society back then, and still today. Therefore, my journey is to rediscover the genuine art of literature.

So as soon as I told my mum about my recent idea, she immediately recommended a total of 24 books! However to be more realistic, I gave myself four books to read as a trial. Depending on my reviews for the books, I will either continue reading more classics or go back to my other genres. 

The four books are:
– To Kill A Mockingbird
– 1984
– Wuthering Heights
– Of Mice And Men

Every week or so, I will be updating the blog to inform you of my thoughts of the novels in that particular point in time. So I do hope you come embark on this challenge with me and we will see how far it takes us. 


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  1. I look forward to reading! Great choices!


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