The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas: Book Review

As the pile of work lying on my study table gets bigger and bigger, my only escape is the tunes of Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk (and if you don’t know what that is, I suggest you search it up as soon as possible to return some hip hop music back into your stress induced lives). But once in a blue moon does a book actually grasp my attention, and as cliche as it sounds, transport me to a whole new world. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne did exactly just that.

The story revolves around the life of Bruno, the nine year old son of a German Commandant during World War 2. His whole life turns upside down one day when he suddenly has to leave his life in beautiful Berlin, to move to some horrendous house in the middle of nowhere due to his fathers work. Little does he know that he may find a friend in the oddest of people and the strangest of places.

Every page gradually builds up to the ending (I won’t spoil it for you though!) The deeper you get into the story, the more tantalizing and immersed you feel. It is a charming book with a lot of character as John Boyne writes in the eyes of innocent Bruno. This brings a whole new perspective to the impact of World War 2 on the victims. The one thing I adore about this specific novel is how it mentions detailed descriptions of events that took place during that time, however, it is not too gory to the point that you feel slightly depressed. Many books based on wars always tend to go to too much detail with violence and killing. I am not the type of person that enjoy reading these stories thus ‘The Boy With The Striped Pyjamas’ was best suited for me.

Usually, after I finish a book, a few days later it drifts right out of my mind. But this particular novel really remained and lingered there for awhile now. It’s the type of book you will read maybe once in a lifetime that really touches you where no where else can. I definitely recommend it to every bookworm out there, even if you’re not, have a go and I am positive you’ll like it.

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